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Friday, September 15, 2023


I spent several years of my life living in the south. Where 'bless your heart ' is not always meant as an endearing phrase. And "its just down yonder" are sometimes the best directions you will get. People from the south are often viewed by some people in other regions differently. The following is a true story that happened to me. 

When I moved from many years of living in the south to Pennsylvania as a senior  supervisor the treatment I got  up north was different than I was used to. I was supervisor for Workers Compensation in four states and when I was a home office supervisor for the entire country among other lines of business. When I got to Pennsylvania (my request) I had made a simple routine decision on a case and my manager was upset. The fact that I was co-chairman for the committee that re-wrote the WC law for Fla. was ignored coupled with other accomplishments. 

My secretaries all spoke loudly to me and tended to talk slower and repeat their conversations twice. I finally figured out that they assumed because I talked differently and had a slight accent that I was slower in thought and speech because I was from the 'south'. I finally called my office staff together and explained that because I was from the south I was not hard of hearing or slow in thought. Things changed after that meeting and they spoke to me with less volume and more naturally. Sometimes you can be a stereotype and wonder why you are being treated differently. Sadly it is just human nature and not fully understanding. 

It is not just a south/north thing it encompasses many different area's. Maybe it would be wise to learn a little more about the person and treat them with honesty and respect. stereotyping people is never good and actually reflects on you and not the other person. When  you actually get to know the person you can make a better relationship and 26 years later I am still in touch with those secretaries and we have forged a lasting relationship that has endured over time.. 

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