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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

When You Least Expect It:

We have lived here for 26+ years and even as we grew older we assumed that we would be able to stay here a few more years at least. Then things happen that made us re-evaluate that assumption. An unexpected medical situation and the hour/twenty minutes drive to the emergency room had us rethinking our future. 

It was not a life threating medical situation but the long drive to the ER got us to thinking about the wisdom of our future with medical care so far away coupled with our age.  My step-daughter who lives in GA with her husband had a cabin for sale  about 30 minutes from their home in NC, which was up for sale and they offered to sell it to us. After much thought we agreed to the deal.

It is still in the mountains, and medical care and their willingness to assist us is only a few minutes away, not an hour as presently exists. We will be closing on the house soon and when we can get arranged here we will be contacting a realtor to sell our house here and move to NC. That cabin is a single story and the terrain is not quite as steep as it is here. 

Two weeks and our circumstances and lifestyle totally change. So goes life and so goes ours. We have made that trip hundreds of times and this trip had us thinking differently. It will be hard to leave as we developed our homestead ourselves out of raw forest with our own hands and sweat. We will be leaving much of ourselves behind for a new adventure.  


David said...

I know this is a huge decision….may the Lord continue to bless you both!

John Betz said...

Sad to see you guys leave the park and the area. Your love, care and knowlege of the area will be missed by me and many others. I feel like I know you guys just through your blog and other writings and have loved all your posts from FP. It was great to be able to look back through all the years of blog posts when I first discovered your blog after we bought our property in FP. You guys have such a big heart for adopting older dogs that will be missed greatly in the area. I know you will continue to do the same in NC as long as your health allows. I am happy that your new NC home is in the mountains and it is good that the terrain will be more forgiving. Also convenience to health care is very important. We have looked at property in that area as well. Really beautiful but just different than the southern CO mountains. Whoever gets your home and lots will have a well taken care of place to enjoy. It's sad to know this chapter of your lives is ending but I am excited to hear how things go for you guys in NC. A new chapter begins...I hope you guys get to enjoy that place for years to come and look forward to continued Blog posts giving us updates and knowledge.

Stephen Moore said...

You will be missed friends. A lot learned from you guys in conversations and just sharing in the times we had together.
God bless you in your next adventure!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't check in for a week and the whole narrative changes. I understand what happened, but it still makes me sad. Five years ago when we went on vacation in Vermont, we found ourselves calling the innkeepers to see where the closest medical facilities were that could handle cardiac problems. - SG

Kevin Morrison said...

After a 20-year experience myself in FP, I can understand how you’re feeling. Thanks for all the blogging and please find peace and comfort in the new cabin.