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Saturday, December 30, 2023

Little Known Wolf Information:


A good friend posted some information on Facebook about wolf data which I believe to be true. We used to visit the wolf refuge near Westcliffe and learned much about wolf behavior. It is not what is often seen in the media. I wrote several blogs for our blog and Mother Earth News regarding what I learned about a wolf named Lucas. Lucas was a pack leader who broke the mold when it came to wolf behavior. Below is what my friend posted. 

The wolf never eats corpses, neither animals, nor people; it spends its whole life with a partner, it does not mate with its mother or sister; it is a monogamous animal, it does not deceive.
If a partner dies, the wolf remains alone; it knows its young ones well: it is the only animal that helps their parents after deep old age and brings them food.
When you kill a wolf, it looks you in the eye until its soul gives out; it's 25% smarter than the smarter dog, and it's the only animal that doesn't obey training,

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