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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Heaven on Earth:


Some have never heard of boiled peanuts and some will think that is disgusting idea  Then there are others like myself that love boiled peanuts. We went shopping at a local orchard for apples, apple cider and fried small pies. On the way home we stopped in a little market and purchased some peaches and a bag of boiled peanuts. Georgia peaches are second to none when it comes to juicy and taste. 

When we got home, after putting our purchases away we went out to the front porch and sat in our rocking chairs and ate boiled peanuts. The sun was out and it was 68 degrees  and we sat and rocked eating boiled peanuts. Readers, let me tell you that was just about as close as a person can get to heaven here on earth. 

Boiled peanuts are like politics -  where everyone has an opinion but for me it was one of the major things I was looking forward to when we came back to the south. This morning sitting on the porch eating boiled peanuts with Carol was one of  the highlights of my week. It just doesn't get any better than that. Back in the south with boiled peanuts, grits, corn bread, hush puppies, field pea's - this is just plain good living. 

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