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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Morning Ritual:

Each morning I feed about 20 Stellar Jays and 4 Clarks Nutcrackers unsalted peanuts. We also put a block of suet out for them and the chickadees have a feeder with sunflower seeds. 

If the Stellars think I'm taking too long they perch on the hand rail looking in at me. We only feed them in the winter when food is scarce. What a ruckus they make when I finally toss the peanuts out. 

 We also have a hairy woodpecker family that likes the sunflower seeds and suet: 


Jack said...

You have Downy Woodpeckers as well - the picture of the woodpeckers shows a Downy on the left, a Hairy on the right.
I love your blog and check it every morning!

Bruce said...

Yes Jack, we do have Downey woodpeckers. Thanks for pointing that out. We have a lot of species which often send me to our bird identification book.