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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Wildlife and Bears:

We have bears around often but we don't see them - just the evidence like these photos that they have been here. We have tree stumps that have been clawed into not 10 feet from the house. Also we have an aspen tree with claw marks not 3 feet from the house. The claw marks tend to mark their territory but the other evidence is just for us to find. They don't damage anything but they are curious and often come very close to the house.
These tracks would indicate a large bear at the other end of our property. Some jerk had to run his tires over the large pile of scat just off the road.  I believe that if the car driver comes back when the bear is around they will try to take a selfie with the bear. Natural selection. Some people like to get close for a photo of the wildlife in our area. 
We had one woman in the community who fed a bear by hand. One day she did not get the bear something to eat fast enough an the bear pushed her down and chased her husband into the house. The bear finally decided it would just go into the house and help itself and made a real mess of her kitchen. It also tore out a kitchen window. It is best to just leave wildlife alone of have a telephoto lens so they can be photographed from a distance. 

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